Product name

[Title] Product name

Product title requirements

  1. Name—the name of the product as it appears on the storefront and in the Vendor Administration Panel (VAP) refer to below. The name of the same product can differ, depending on the storefront and language.
  2. A name that has a structure and is accurate to tell the buyer what it means clearly about a product or service.
  3. Here are some guidelines on how to structure your product or service name creation very wisely:
    1. By capitalising the first letter of each word.
    2. Do not use all capital letters (ALL CAPS) for one word, except for brand names e.g. SAMSUNG, SUBWAY, TOYOTA, GUCCI.
    3. Never include subjective reviews and promotional messages such as "Hot Items", "Best Sellers", "Free Shipping", "Discount", "Bundle", "Sale", "Deal", "Buy Together", "Pre Order", "Referral", "100% Quality Guaranteed", "Prices", "Preferred" or Campaign Name.
    4. Avoid keyword spam i.e. unrelated words
    5. Do not use emoticons, hashtags or symbols such as }, ~, $, ^, {, }, <, !, *, #, @, ;, %, >
Failure to comply with these requirements may cause a product to be suppressed from Pazarme search results and not to be approve.

Title length, you may notice that different title lengths are listed in our category-specific style guides. These are guidelines based on the preferred, typical title style for product listings in that category.

Tips, good title quality is a key factor to ensuring a positive customer experience on Pazarme dan our affiliate platform. Below are additional tips for improving the quality of your titles. We will only search-suppress products with titles that violate requirements listed above, but we strongly encourage adherence to the following title standards:
  1. Titles should be concise. We recommend fewer than 120 characters.
  2. Don't use ALL CAPS.
  3. Capitalize the first letter of each word except for prepositions (in, on, over, with), conjunctions (and, or, for), or articles (the, a, an).
  4. Use numerals: "2" instead of "two".
  5. Don't use non-language ASCII characters such as Æ, ©, or ®.
  6. Titles should contain the minimal information needed to identify the item and nothing more.
  7. Don't use subjective commentary, such as "Hot Items", "Best Sellers", "Free Shipping", "Discount", "Bundle", "Sale", " Deal", "Buy Together", "Pre Order", "Referral", "100% Quality Guaranteed", "Prices", "Preferred" or Campaign Name.
  8. Titles can include necessary punctuation, like hyphens (-), forward slashes (/), commas (,), ampersands (&), and periods (.).
  9. Titles can abbreviate measurements, such as "cm", "oz", "in", and "kg".
  10. Don't include your vendor (merchant) name in titles.
  11. Size and color variations should be included in titles for child code not the main title.
Some of the categories may have specific titles rules. Refer to the Add one product at a time Help Page and your category specific style guide for more details. Contact Vendor Support to know more on the best practices for Titles.


Our research shows that customers scan-read results, meaning that titles don’t need to contain the exact phrase that customers are searching for in order to catch their eye. Longer titles are also harder to read than shorter titles, so the longer your title is, the more you risk losing your customer’s attention.
  1. In the Vendor Administration panel (VAP), go to Product → Product → {Product Name} → General → Information → Name.
Pazarme Vendor Admin Panel (VAP)

Example Product Name

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: Basic). download here
Products Name (Example: Basic)
Products Name (Example: Basic)

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: Full inLine). download here
Products Name (Example: Full inLine)
Products Name (Example: Full inLine)

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: Not included Specification). download here
Products Name (Example: Not included Specification)
Products Name (Example: Not included Specification)

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: BOFO - Buy One Free One or BOGO - Buy One Get One) same itemdownload here
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) same item
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) same item
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) same item
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO)
  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: BOFO - Buy One Free One or BOGO - Buy One Get One) different itemdownload here
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) different item
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) different item
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) different item
Products Name (Example: BOFO or BOGO) different item

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: Set Attractive). download here
Products Name (Example: Set Attractive)
Products Name (Example: Set Attractive)
Products Name (Example: Set Attractive)
Products Name (Example: Set Attractive)
Products Name (Example: Set Attractive)

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: Specification). download here
Products Name (Example: Specification)
Products Name (Example: Specification)

  1. [Title] Products Name (Example: Set) twin pack.
Products Name (Example: Set) twin pack
Products Name (Example: Set) twin pack

  1. Products Name (Example: Set) twin bottlesdownload here
Products Name (Example: Set) twin bottles
Products Name (Example: Set) twin bottles

Questions & Feedback
Have any questions that weren't answered here? Need help with solving a problem in your online store? Find out how to contact us.

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